Query Prompts Dialog

A query prompt allows you to fill in the criteria for a query at print-time. For example, if you want to be able to search for a particular part number that you type in at print-time, you would use the Query dialog to select the part number field from the database, specify the equality operator, and set the criteria to a Query Prompt. Then every time you print, you will be asked to type in the part number, and only records that match that part number will be printed.

Query Prompt List

The Query Prompt List displays all query prompts that are currently defined in BarTender. You can modify the items in the list using the following buttons located beneath the Query Prompt List.

Inserts a new query prompt into the list.

Deletes the selected query prompt.

Deletes the selected query prompt and copies it into BarTender's clipboard.

Copies the selected query prompt into BarTender's clipboard.

Pastes a copy of the query prompt currently in the clipboard into the list.

Moves the selected query prompt up one position in the list.

Moves the selected query prompt down one position in the list.

Each of these commands can also be accessed by right-clicking anywhere in the list.

Query Prompt Options

Reply Options