Librarian Integration with Shared Script Libraries

Just like with BarTender documents, you can save shared script libraries (with an extension *.btvbs) to Librarian, allowing you to track changes made to the file, revert changes, and otherwise manage the file. The process for adding a shared script file stored in Librarian to your document is the same as adding any other *.btvbs file, but there are some differences in how you can access and manage the file.

When you are using a script library stored in Librarian, a new menu item will appear in the File menu and the Script Library's context menu: Save and Check-in. This item is only enabled when the script library file is checked out.

Version Control for Librarian-sourced Script Libraries

Your script library will behave differently based on whether the *.btvbs file is checked in to or out of Librarian.

If the file is checked in to Librarian:

If the file is checked out of Librarian:

For more information about Librarian and how it functions, refer to the Librarian section of the BarTender help system (under Companion Applications).

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